Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Jeans into Cutoffs

I have a favorite pair of rag and bone jeans that I've been wearing for the last few (almost 4) years. One day I noticed how thin they were getting in some areas and well before I knew it they (the thin areas that I was talking about) had turned into holes. 

You know what I did instead of throwing them out?? I turned them into cutoff shorts! 

The hole was pretty high up my leg so I went a bit shorter than I would've naturally gone, but hey, they work! Not only do they work, but they are comfortable! 

Not sure if cut off shorts ever really went out of style here in Texas, but they've been around a while! 

Anyway, I love to pair my cut offs with boots (short or tall), heels, flip flops, wedges, and converse and with an appropriate shirt/top with whichever shoe I chose to wear that day! 

So, before you get rid of your old jeans, see about turning them into cut off shorts and continue to wear them for years!☺️😉

Here's a picture of mine 

AND a picture of JF's

I love rocking the "mama and me" look or we can go ahead and just call it matching but I'm not going to lie... I kind of like it!😁😆😄👍

Now everyone start posting pics of your #cutoffs I want to see them!😍😍



PS: does anyone have any thoughts on how long cut off jeans have been around??? Without having to google it!😉☺️

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